In which of the following are water molecules in the most disorderly arrangement?

A. Ice at -10°C
B. Ice at 0°C
C. Water at 100°C
D. Steam at 100°C

A gaseous metallic chloride MClx consists of 20.22% of M by mass. The formula of the chloride is?
[M = 27, Cl = 35.5]

A. MCl
B. MCl2
C. MCl3
D. M2Cl6

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
From the equation above, the mass of magnesium required to react with 250cm3 of 0.5M HCl is
[Mg = 24]

A. 0.3g
B. 1.5g
C. 2.4g
D. 3.0g

Which of the following will have its mass increased when heated in air?
A. Helium
B. Magnesium
C. Copper pyrites
D. Glass

Which is the temperature of a given mass of a gas initially at 0°C and 9 atm, if the pressure is reduced to 3 atm at constant volume?
A. 91K
B. 182K
C. 273K
D. 819K

Which of the following gases will diffuse fastest when passed through a porous plug?
[H = 1, C = 12, N = 14, O = 16]
A. Propane
B. Oxygen
C. Methane
D. Ammonia

56.00cm3 of a gas at S.T.P. weighed 0.11g. What is the vapour density of the gas?
[Molar volume of a gas at S.T.P = 22.4dm3]
A. 11.00
B. 22.00
C. 33.00
D. 44.00

200cm3 each of 0.1M solutions of lead (II) trioxonitrate(V) and hydrochloric acid were mixed. Assuming that lead (II) chloride is completely insoluble, calculate the mass of lead (II) chloride that will be precipitated.
[Pb = 207, Cl= 35.5, N = 14, O = 16]

A. 2.78g
B. 5.56g
C. 8.34g
D. 11.12g

Which of the following substances would you see as an indicator in the titration of sodium carbonate solution against hydrochloric acid (complete neutralisation)?
A. Litmus paper
B. Phenolphthalein
C. Methyl orange
D. Universal indicator
E. None of these

A gas jar was inverted over burning yellow phosphorus floating over water in a beaker. After burning, the water level was found to rise in the gas jar. The water level rises because
A. pressure inside the gas jar is greater than pressure outside it
B. the air in the gas jar had been used up by burning
C. oxygen in the gas jar had been used up by burning
D. nitrogen in the gas jar had been used up by burning
E. the temperature in the jar had risen considerably