Which of the following statement is true of the electrochemical series?
A. Electropositivity of metals increase down the series
B. Electropositivity of non-metals decrease down the series
C. Electronegativity of non-metals decrease down the series
D. Electropositivity of metals decreases down the series

RS(aq) + HF(aq) → RF(s) + HS(aq)
ΔH = -65.7 kj mol(-1).
From the equation above, it can be deduced that
A. the heat content of the reactants is lower than that of the products
B. the heat content of the reactants is higher than that of the products
C. the reaction is slow
D. a large amount of heat is absorbed

When a current I was passed through an electrolyte solution for 40 minutes, a mass X g of a univalent metal was deposited at the cathode. What mass of the metal will be deposited when a current 2I is passed through the solution for 10 minutes?
A. X/4 g
B. X/2 g
C. 2X g
D. 4X g

X + Y → Z. The rate equation for the chemical reaction above is −ΔxΔt
= K[X]2
The overall order of the reaction is?

A. 0.0
B. 1.0
C. 2.0
D. 3.09

What quantity of electricity will liberate 0.125 mole of oxygen molecules during the electrolysis of dilute sodium chloride solution?
[ F = 96 5000 C mol-1 ]
A. 24 125 coulombs
B. 48 250 coulombs
C. 72 375 coulombs
D. 96 500 coulombs

N2O4(g) ↔ 2NO2(g). Increase in total pressure of the equilibrium reaction above will
A. produce more of NO2(g) in the mixture
B. convert all of N2O4(g) to NO2(g)
C. have no effect on the concentrations of NO2(g)and N2O4(g)
D. produce more of N2O4(g) in the mixture

2SO2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2SO3(g). In the chemical reaction above, the substance that will increase the rate of production of sulphur (VI) oxide is
A. manganese (IV) oxide
B. finely divided iron
C. vanadium (V) oxide
D. nickel

The entropy and enthalpy of a system are a measure of
A. degree of disorderlinesss and heat content respectively
B. heat content and degree of disorderliness respectively
C. heat content of a system only
D. degree of disorderliness only

The solubility product of Cu(IO3)2 is 1.08 * 10-7. Assuming that neither ions react appreciable with water to form H+ and OH-, what is the solubility of this salt?
A. 2.7 * 10-8 mol dm-3
B. 9.0 * 10-8 mol dm-3
C. 3.0 * 10-3 mol dm-3
D. 9.0 * 10-3 mol dm-3

The solution with the lowest pH value is
A. 5 ml of (m/1 HCL
B. 10 ml of (m/1 HCL
C. 15 ml of (m/5) HCL
D. 20 ml of (m/8) HCL