Which of the following metals is passive to concentrated trioxonitrate (V) acid?
A. Iron
B. Tin
C. Copper
D. Zinc

A metal that can be extracted from cassitertite is
A. cacium
B. magnesium
C. tin
D. copper

The pair of metals in the reactivity series that are usually extracted by the electrolysis of their ores is
A. magnesium and zinc
B. magnesium and calcium
C. copper and zinc
D. lead and calcium

What properties of duralumin make it more useful than its constituent metals?
A. It is heavy with a high melting point
B. It is malleable and has high density
C. It is strong and light
D. It is hard and ductile

Hydrogen is used in oxy-hydrogen flames for melting metals because it
A. evolves a lot of heat when burnt
B. combines explosively with oxygen
C. is a very light gas
D. is a rocket fuel

A pair of compounds that can be used to generate a gas which has physiological effect on human beings is

A. sodium trioxonitrate (V) and calcium chloride
B. sodium dioxonitrate (III) and ammonium chloride
C. sodium trioxonitrate (V) and ammonium chloride
D. sodium dioxonitrate (III) and potassium chloride

The salt that reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce a pungent smelling gas which decolourizes acidified purple potassium tetraoxomanganate (VII) solution is
A. Na2SO4
B. Na2SO3
C. Na2S
D. Na2CO3

Chlorine, bromine and iodine resemble one another in that they?

A. dissolve in alkalis
B. react violently with hydorgen without heating
C. are liquids
D. displace one another from solutiions of their salts

1 https://t.me/timecoinbot?start=31_102286

2 https://t.me/dotcoin_bot?start=r_6019972146
3 https://t.me/tapswap_bot?start=r_6019972146

The gas that will form a white precipitate with acidified silver trioxonitrate (v) is
A. NH3
B. SO2
C. CO2