A mixture of iodine and sulphur crystals can be separated by treatment with?

A. Water to filter off sulphur
B. carbon (IV) sulphide to filter off iodine
C. ethanoic acid to filter off sulphur
D. methanol to filter off iodine

When the two end alkyl groups ethyl ethanoate are interchange, the compound formed is known as
A. methyl ethanoate
B. ethyl propanaote
C. methyl propanoate
D. propyl ethanoate

An organic compound that does not undergo a reaction with both hydrogen cyanide and hydroxylamine can be
A. alkene
B. alkanal
C. alkanone
D. alkanoic acid

POlyvinyl chloride is used to produce
A. bread
B. pencils
C. ink
D. pipes

When excess ethanol is heated to 145oC in the presence of concentrated H2SO4, the product is
A. ethyne
B. diethyl sulphate
C. diethyl ether
D. acetone

Which of the following is a solvent for perfumes?
A. C5H12
B. C4H6

Good morning African


Good morning


2-methylprop-1-ene is an isomer of
A. but-2-ene
B. pent-1-ene
C. 2-methylbut-2-ene
D. 2-methylbut-1-ene

The hydrocarbon that burns in air with a sooty flames is
A. C2H6
B. C3H8
C. C4H10
D. C6H6